Parish Center Office 732-747-5466 option 1
Faith Formation / Religious Ed 732-747-5466 option 2
Nursery 732-333-7362 / SLG Religious Store 908-770-1989
Mommy & Me is a ministry for our mothers and their young children. Dads are always welcome to participate, too.
It is a great place to meet other parents and children who are your child's age. It's also a place for Moms / Dads to encourage and learn from one another.
This Ministry is for children ages infant to five years of age, as well as a support group for Parents.
We meet the first and third Wednesday of the month for a time of fellowship and play for our children.
We start the day giving thanks to God at the 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Daily Mass in the Parish Center Chapel. Following Mass, we head downstairs in the Parish Center, or the Ballfield or park while the weather is nice -from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Behind the Parish Center)
If you are interested in joining us, please sign up below.
We take a break during the Summer months and resume in September.
We Resume on Wednesday, September 18th at 9:30 a.m.