Parish Center Office 732-747-5466 option 1
Faith Formation / Religious Ed 732-747-5466 option 2
Nursery 732-333-7362 / SLG Religious Store 908-770-1989
Oct 26 Car Wash (parking lot 11am-1pm)
Oct 27 HS Meeting (3pm-5pm in the Good Shepherd Room)
November 3 Distribute Boxes of Joy at Masses and Cemetery Cleanup at 12:30pm
November 8 Box Drop off 11-2pm (Good Shepherd Room)
Nov 9 Box of Joy Drop Off Hours 12-3pm (Good Shepherd Room)
Nov 10 Collect Boxes at Masses, Make Boxes of Joy in GS Room
5-6pm, set up for SLG Feast Day/Family Night with Taylor
Nov 17 Meet with Seniors for Book Club (1-2pm at Sunrise Seniors)
Nov 24 TBD
Dec 1 Advent Wreaths and Spoon Game from 2-4pm (caf)
December 7 Tree Lighting and Santa (6:30pm outside the AAC and then Santa in the AAC)
December 15 Carole at Luftman Towers (1-3pm at Luftman Towers)
Our Youth Ministry is a comprehensive program with a strong focus on Christian service and prayer that build a teen’s relationship with Jesus and the Church.
It is a great opportunity for teens to socialize, have a good time, grow closer to the Church, and learn more about the Catholic Faith in challenging ways.
All Teens from Grades 7-12 are welcome to participate!